DL9LBG WSPR transmitter
Now transmtting and receiving on 12 m band (see schedule below)
This webserver and the WSPR generator/decoder (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter) both work on a Raspberry Pi mini computer located in Lütjenburg/North Germany (Locator JO54hh).
Currently DL9LBG whispers on 24.926077 MHz (12 m band) with a tx fraction of 20 % (transmitting approx. every 12 minutes).
The WSPR software by K1JT is running on a Raspberry Pi which is connected via a cheap USB audio dongle to an FT-857D which produces about 2 watts (33 dBm) hf output. The antenna is a simple dual band ground plane (10 and 15 m) made of some wire and a homebrew trap fixed on a fishing rod mounted on the balcony about 18 meters up from the ground. For transmitting on 12 meters I use a very simple low pass filter as a tuner to provide mismatch.
WSPR transmitter plus webserver on one mini computer and the power input is only 3.5 watts. Good power efficiency, I think. On this old Raspberry Pi 2 additionally an MMDVM-DVMEGA does a good job as a local DMR-/C4FM-YSF-Hotspot on 433.675 MHz (WSPR and webserver take few ressources, there's enough mem and CPU-power left for MMDVMHost).
Pse QSL to michael [ät] dl9lbg.de - tnx!
SWL reports will be confirmed via QSL bureau, eQSL or QRZ.com postal address.
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